Our projects have included cultural resource investigations for the following types of undertakings:
- Airport improvements
- Cellular and microwave towers
- County conservation projects
- Flood protection and demolition
- Gas pipelines
- Historic preservation projects
- Housing developments
- Industrial construction and development
- Lake and reservoir projects
- Prehistoric Mound Studies
- Recreational projects including campgrounds, lake construction, and trails
- Transportation projects including bridge replacements, road construction and trails
- Utility lines and towers
- Water pipelines
- Water system improvements and construction, including wastewater treatment and sewer lines
- Wind turbines
- Hydroelectric projects
- Geothermal projects
- Landfill expansions
- Wetland mitigation projects
We have worked on projects involving the following state and federal organizations in the compliance process:

- Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
- Department of Transportation (DOT)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- National Park Service (NPS)
- Rural Utility Service (RUS)
- State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO)
- State Historical Societies (SHS)
- U.S. Army
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
- U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
Archaeology Project Examples:

- Preparation of Handbook on Stone Tools of Minnesota for the Minnesota Historical Society.
- Archaeological monitoring and documentation, public improvements projects, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
- Countywide cultural resources assessments that synthesized the history of and results of previous archaeological research in Calhoun, Cerro Gordo, Humboldt, Jasper, Louisa, Marshall, Muscatine, Polk, Story, Tama, Winnebago, Worth, and Wright Counties. These projects were completed for rural water line construction.
- Phase IA cultural resource assessments for portions of the Cities of Farmington, Fort Dodge, and Keokuk. Also, two separate Phase IA assessments for Hartwick Lake at Delhi and Cedar Lake in Nashua, Iowa.
- 99 Phase I archaeological surveys across the State of Iowa for water and sewer improvement projects financed through the State Revolving Fund program coordinated by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
- Phase I intensive archaeological surveys completed for road improvement projects for the Iowa Department of Transportation in Allamakee, Benton, Black Hawk, Bremer, Dickinson, Davis, Delaware, Dubuque, Floyd, Lucas, Sac, Story, Tama, Wapello, Warren, and Washington Counties, Iowa, as well as for Jackson County, Minnesota.
- Phase I intensive archaeological surveys for proposed airport improvements in Ankeny, Davenport, and Ottumwa, Iowa, and Faribault and Springfield, Minnesota.
- Phase I survey and mound remnant study at Eagle Point Park, City of Dubuque, Iowa.
- Site Plan for the Louis and Louisa Schroeder House Demolition project in the Motor Mill Historic District in Clayton County, Iowa.
- Archaeological testing of selected caves and rockshelters in Jackson and Jones Counties, Iowa.
- Phase I intensive archaeological survey for the western segment of the proposed Flint River Trail, Des Moines County, Iowa. This project involved survey of a 10.5-mile corridor for a proposed recreational trail.
- Phase I cultural resources investigation at Camp Ripley in western Morrison County, Minnesota. Wapsi Valley Archaeology, Inc. examined areas of moderate and high archaeological potential within a 1,079.0-acre parcel.
- Preliminary Phase I archaeological survey and geomorphological investigation of a proposed lake impoundment in Wayne County, Iowa. The project involved research in a tributary valley of the South Fork Chariton River for a proposed development. A Programmatic Agreement was then prepared outlining a program for additional testing of deeply buried DeForest Formation deposits.
- Phase II evaluation of Site 32CS4999 located in the City of Fargo, North Dakota. The site contained late prehistoric and historic components, including bison kill remains.
- Phase II evaluation of Sites 13DM1117 and 13DM1123 for the Flint River Trail project, Des Moines County, Iowa. One site is a Late Woodland habitation site; the other is a site of unknown prehistoric affiliation.
- Phase II evaluation of Site 13HM8, a Late Prehistoric Great Oasis site, Hamilton County, Iowa.
- Phase III data recovery at 13LE947, Lee County, Iowa.
- Phase III excavations at Site 13DM1043, an Early Archaic Burlington chert quarry site, Des Moines County, Iowa.
- Phase III excavations at Site 13DM1044, a Late Woodland habitation site, Des Moines County, Iowa.
- Phase III excavations at the Spring site, Site 13DM1082, a multi-component site containing historic and prehistoric archaeological materials, Big Hollow Creek valley, Des Moines County, Iowa.
- Phase III documentation of Burlington limestone quarry sites, Big Hollow Creek valley, Des Moines County, Iowa.
Architectural History and History Project Examples:

- Cultural resource Surveys, U.S. Highway 52 Improvement Project, Dubuque County, Iowa
- Historical and Architectural Survey for Improvements to Iowa Highway 934 through Cedar Falls and Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa
- Intensive Level Architectural and Historical Survey, U.S. Highway 30 project, Davis and Wapello Counties, Iowa.
- Intensive Level Historical and Architectural Survey for the U.S. Highway 163 Business PCC Pavement Grade and Replacement Project, City of Pella, Marion County, Iowa
- Intensive Level Architectural History Survey for the U.S. Highway 30 Project Corridor in Tama County, Iowa, for the Iowa Department of Transportation.
- Intensive Level Architectural and Historical Survey, U.S. Highway 151 Project near Springville, Linn County, Iowa
- Intensive Level Architectural History Survey for the U.S. Highway 30 Project Corridor in Benton County, Iowa, for the Iowa Department of Transportation.
- Intensive Level Survey and Evaluation of Historic and Architectural Properties Within Wapsipinicon State Park in Jones County, Iowa.
- Historical Survey, Documentation, and Preparation of Book on the History of Iowa Department of Transportation Rest Areas and Welcome Centers across Iowa.
- Intensive Level Architectural History Survey for the Liberty Estates Subdivision Project in Dubuque, Iowa.
- Reconnaissance Level Architectural History Survey of the Iowa Northern Railroad Bridge over Pratt Creek in Benton County, Iowa.
- Reconnaissance Level Architectural History Survey for the Loras College-Cox Street Pedestrian Walkway Project in Dubuque, Iowa.
- Preparation of a Historic Property Study Booklet for the Chambers Ford Bridge Replacement Project, Tama County, Iowa
- Preparation of a Booklet, Bowstring Arch Bridges of Iowa, for the Hale Bridge Relocation Project.
- Museum Exhibit, Trail Signage and Historical Research for the Flint River Trail Construction Project, Des Moines County, Iowa
- Kiosk design on John Tobin at the Tobin’c Cabin Location in Benton County, Iowa.
- National Register Nomination of the Cottage Hill Methodist Episcopal Cemetery and the Concord Congregational Cemetery, Dubuque County, Iowa