Addison P. Kimmel Curriculum Vitae

Wapsi Valley Archaeology, Inc.

Telephone: (319) 462-4760 (office); (309) 430-0789 (cell)


University of Iowa, 2023 (Iowa City, IA)

PhD, Anthropology, concentration in Archaeology

Northwestern University, 2012 (Evanston, IL)
M.A., Anthropology, concentration in Archaeology

Miami University, 2010 (Oxford, OH)
B.A., Summa Cum Laude, with Departmental Honors in History, Minor in Anthropology



Historical Archaeology and Anthropology, Ethnohistory, Archaeology of the Midwestern United States, Archaeology of Native America, Vernacular Architecture, Cultural Resource Management


University of Iowa Graduate College Summer Fellowship, 2021

University of Iowa Department of Anthropology Conference Travel Grant, 2020

Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology Permanent Fund Grant, 2019
University of Iowa Graduate and Professional Student Government Research Grant, 2018

University of Iowa Office of Outreach & Engagement Micro Grant, 2018

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2016-2019

Lecron Foster and Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern Summer Research Grant, 2012
Mellon Foundation Fellowship in Interdisciplinary Studies, Northwestern University, 2010-2012
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2011, 2012

Ronald and Judith Spielbauer Award for Best Paper in Archaeology, Miami University, 2010
Watson and MacDonald Scholarship, Department of History, Miami University 2009-2010
Dean’s Scholar Research Grant, Miami University, Summer 2009
Department of History Research Grant, Miami University, Summer 2009

Oxford Scholars Award, Miami University, 2008-2010



March 2023-Present

Principal Investigator, Wapsi Valley Archaeology (Archaeological, historical, and architectural history consulting with a focus on the U.S. Midwest and Plains regions)

June 2019-March 2023

Owner and Principal Investigator, Rocky River Consulting (Archaeological, historical, and architectural history consulting with a focus on cultural resource compliance in Illinois)

June 2019-Present
President (since June 2021) and Board Member, Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology Board of Directors

Summer 2020

Primary Instructor, Human Origins (ANTH:1301), University of IowaSummer 2019

Primary Instructor, World Archaeology (ANTH:1201), University of Iowa

November 2018-Present

Member, Preservation Commission, City of Rock Island, IllinoisFall 2016-Spring 2017

President, Anthropology Graduate Student Association, University of Iowa Department of Anthropology

Fall 2015-May 2023

Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa (led discussion sections, graded, and prepared class materials for introductory level classes in archaeology, cultural anthropology, and environmental anthropology)

October 2014-August 2015

Organizational Development Specialist, Public Allies AmeriCorps Program, Rick's House of Hope, Davenport, IA (capacity building and grant writing for a mental health services non-profit)

Fall 2013

Adjunct Instructor, Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove, IL (taught Anthropology 102, Human Origins, an introductory class in Biological Anthropology)

June 2012-September 2013

Staff Archaeologist, Midwest Archaeological Research Services, Marengo, IL (composed field reports, conducted a large-scale architectural survey of over 500 properties throughout Illinois, assisted with archaeological excavation, survey, and laboratory analysis)

Fall 2011-Spring 2012

Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (assisted faculty with set up and organization of archaeological laboratory space, prepared course materials. Taught lab and discussion sections for introductory archaeology and biological anthropology classes)



In Progress

Phase I Reconnaissance Survey and Phase II Testing for Rock Island Arsenal Davenport Gate Revisions, Rock Island County, Illinois. Wapsi Valley Archaeology Report No. 1307.

Phase IA Reconnaissance and Phase I Intensive Archaeological Survey for Planned USACE Operations Division Projects at Coralville Lake, Johnson County, Iowa. Wapsi Valley Archaeology Report No. 1315

2023 Phase I Intensive Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility, Bureau County, Illinois. Wapsi Valley Report No. 1293.

Fleur Drive Bridge over Raccoon River Rehabilitation, City of Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. Wapsi Valley Archaeology Report No. 1294.

Phase I Intensive Archaeological Survey for the Bondurant Gholds IEDA Site Certification Project in Bondurant, Polk County, Iowa. Wapsi Valley Archaeology Report No. 1296.

Phase I Intensive Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Borrow Area in Union Township, Benton County, Iowa. Wapsi Valley Archaeology Report No. 1303           .

A Phase IA Archaeological Reconnaissance Assessment, MetroLINK Ferryboat Terminal Project: Dock Replacement, Village of East Davenport, Davenport, Scott County, Iowa. Wapsi Valley Archaeology Report No. 1304.



2023 “Working with Indigenous Site Monitors and Tribal IRBs: Practical Approaches to the Challenges of Collaborative Archaeology.” With Steven A. Katz, Marcus Lewis, and Elizabeth Wilk. Advances in Archaeological Practice 11(2):224-231.

2022 “Facing the Challenges of Collaborative Archaeology.” Paper presented at the Midwest Archaeological Conference Annual Meeting, La Crosse, WI. With Marcus Lewis.

 “Archaeological Collaboration in Practice: Working With Tribal Monitors and Tribal IRBs.” Paper presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago, IL. With Marcus Lewis, Steven A. Katz, and Elizabeth Wilk.

2021 “Historical Archaeologies of Indigenous Communities in Wisconsin: Introduction and Historical Context.” With David F. Overstreet. The Wisconsin Archeologist 102(1):61-66.

 “The Archaeology of Ho-Chunk Communities in Wisconsin.” With William Quackenbush. The Wisconsin Archeologist 102(1):67-77.

“Future Directions in the Archaeology of Wisconsin’s Native Communities.” The Wisconsin Archeologist 102(1):129-131.

2020 “Hedged Bets and Serious Games: Native Approaches to Settler Colonialism in the Old Northwest.” Paper Presented at the Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

2019 “Preliminary Analysis of the Walker Slough Site.” Paper Presented at the Midwest Archaeological Conference Annual Meeting, Mankato, MN.

“Toward a Safer Archaeology: Anthropogenic Dangers and Crew Safety in the Archaeological Workplace.” With Steven A. Katz. The SAA Archaeological Record 19(3).

2018 “Ho-Chunk Archaeology in Wisconsin.” Paper Presented at the Midwest Archaeological Conference Annual Meeting, South Bend, IN.

2016 “Vernacular Houses and Identity in 19th-Century German Davenport.” Paper Presented at the Iowa Archaeological Society Annual Meeting, Marquette, IA.

2015 “Workplace Safety in Archaeology: A Case Study.” With Steven A. Katz. Paper Presented at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

2013 “Workplace Safety in Archaeology: Dangerous Places Revisited.” With Steven A. Katz. Paper Presented at the Midwest Archaeological Conference Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH.

2012 “Maps and the Representation of Plantation Space: Power, Slavery, and Elite Perceptions on Colonial Martinique.” Paper presented at the Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

2010 Review of Talking Taino: Essays on Caribbean Natural History from a Native Perspective, by William F. Keegan and Lisabeth A. Carlson. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2008. Journal of the Bahamas Historical Society 32.



Council for Minnesota Archaeology
Illinois Archaeological Survey

Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology
Midwest Archaeological Conference

Register of Professional Archaeologists

Society for American Archaeology
Society for Historical Archaeology

Copyright Wapsi Valley Archaeology, Inc., Anamosa, Iowa 2025